Young Adults
We are a gathering of Young Adults that seek to grow in Christ through teaching, service, and fellowship. Our primary vehicle for community is our Gospel Life Classes, and our weekly times of fellowship listed below. Through upcoming Connect Events, classes, and fellowship opportunities, we hope you will join us and get connected to the ongoing community!
College Age
Gospel Life Class
Sundays • 11:00am • Room C6
Sunday Evenings • 5:00 – 6:30pm
1st Sundays: C3 Youth Center Lobby
2nd – 4th Sundays: Off Campus Study and Outreach
If you would like to get involved, learn more information, or receive the off-campus locations, email Tucker Davis.
Young Professionals
Gospel Life Class
Sundays • 11:00am • Choir Room
If you would like to stay up-to-date on what’s going on in the Young Adults ministry, please join our Facebook group.