Children with special needs sometimes experience discouragement, bullying, and social inadequacies. The Special Needs Ministry here at Central Christian Church, provides an inviting, understanding personal atmosphere to welcome the special needs child and their family.
Our goal is to provide a place for families to engage in Christian fellowship. We firmly believe that the Holy Spirit is not limited by special needs and that every child is deserving of a church home that will provide the opportunity to grow in a relationship with Jesus.
Journey officially started February of 2012. This ministry is well staffed by a quality team of volunteers from within the congregation of Central Christian Church. The Special Needs Ministry is coordinated through the Children’s ministry.
What if I need to miss a Sunday service? Please email Lydia Sharp, Special Needs Director.
If your child’s disability is such that they are unable to benefit from participating in a traditional Sunday school or Children’s Church ministry, they will benefit by attending these specialized classes designed especially for them. Our Special Needs ministry is available on Sunday mornings during the 9:30am church service.
The Special Needs ministry provides:
- Participation in the worship service. Children have this weekly opportunity to participate at their ability level.
- Bible/scripture lessons presented in small group or even individual settings for the children so they may better understand the message of Christ.
- Each of these children is paired with a “Buddy” when attending on Sunday morning. A Buddy is an adult mentor that gets to mentor alongside the same child each week. This allows us to better understand the personalities of each of these very remarkable children.
The first step is to contact the special needs ministry director, Lydia Sharp by email. A meeting and interview time will be set up with the parent or guardian so that you may be able to express your child’s needs and the placement for your child.
It is very important that you contact us before your first planned Sunday in the Special Needs program, so we can make arrangements and be more completely prepared to provide your child with the support that they need.