Bible Reading Plan
As we begin 2025, we desire to build a culture of being a people of the word, being transformed and conformed into the likeness of Jesus. We are calling you to commit to daily reading of one of the greatest gifts we have, the inspired Word of God.
Please join us as we read through The Navigators Bible Reading plan. By reading from four separate places in the Scriptures every day, you will get a better grasp of the unity of the Scriptures. You can begin the plan at any point of the year.
Download a PDF of the The Navigators Bible Reading Plan or click here to follow along with YouVersion.
Discovery Bible Study Card
We “discover” from Scripture what God wants us to know. This is how the name, “Discovery Bible Study” came about. It’s not a lecturing method as much as a teaching through questions and facilitation method. We let the Holy Spirit be our teacher.
Click here to download the Discovery Bible Study guide.
“Rock of Ages” by Augustus Toplady
“Rock of Ages” is a beautiful reminder that our salvation rests not in our own efforts but in the finished work of Jesus. Like a cleft in the rock, Christ’s sacrifice shelters and saves us, His blood washing us clean from sin. As we prepare our hearts for Easter, may this hymn point us to the cross and the empty tomb, where Jesus secured our victory over sin and death forever.
Click here to learn more.
Accountability Software
The death scroll!! Most of us know exactly what it’s like to get sucked into endless flicks of the thumb to the abyss of mindless shorts and reels. Even if the content is not offensive our minds are being distracted from those around us and the Lord. Our family has found a fantastic program that is NOT intrusive or changes the way our devices work yet provides accountability. It is called Accountable2you. I highly suggest you take a look, whether you have kids or are just trying to be faithful.
30 Weeks of Prayer Resources
The aim of the 30 Weeks of Prayer is simple: to encourage you to pray for some of the world’s most urgent needs in light of the truths of God’s Word.
We all want to pray, but sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. One helpful approach is to pray through the Psalms.
“What is God Like?” GLC Resources
The Attributes of God, understanding what God has revealed about Himself. Click here to download a more in-depth study on the attributes of God.
Loving People Through the Truth
Natasha Crain on the “He Gets Us” Campaign
History of Israel-Palestine Conflict
How Christianity Challenges Expressive Individualism
Refined by Fire: Awakening & Suffering
A testimony of prayer, the power of the gospel, and encouragement to our role to be engaged.
Consider what small action you might take that could lead to someone hearing the gospel.
Street Smarts: How to Defend YOUR Faith with Questions
How Can Homosexuality Be Wrong?
What is the Millennial Reign of Christ in Revelation 20? Amil, Premil, or Postmil?
Bethel Redding & Modern day Apostles: A Biblical Analysis with Alisa Childers
An Evening of Eschatology – Premillennialism, Amillennialism, Postmillennialism
Top Five New Age Teachings in the Church with Melissa Dougherty
Loneliness: Don’t Hate It or Waste It
with Steve & Jennifer DeWitt
There’s a loneliness epidemic. But what if we don’t have to avoid loneliness like a plague? Dave & Ann Wilson are joined by author and pastor, Steve Dewitt, and his wife, Jennifer, to discuss loneliness and offer a redemptive approach. Click here to listen.
Why Community is Important
with Don Everts
Author Don Everts knows what it’s like to feel disconnected in your own neighborhood. But he also knows why community is critically important. Click here to listen.
The Power of the Word
with Rechab & Brittany Gray
Do you believe in the power of the Word? Church-planters Rechab and Brittany Gray remind us the Bible’s beauty and power through their stories of personal faith and discipleship. Click here to listen.
Should Your Partner Be Your First Priority?
with Gayla Grace and Ron Deal
Should your partner be your first priority in a blended family? What if your biological kids are still reeling from transition? Hear what Ron Deal & Gayla Grace, of FamilyLife Blended have to say on this important question! Click here to listen.
The Savvy Sauce, Laura Dugger
Episode 222 | Pornography: Protecting Children, Personal Healing, Victory, and Recovery in Christ with Sam Black
Are you or someone you love and know struggling with Pornography? Are you a parent wondering how you can help your kids navigate this issue that is being thrust into their lives at every turn. Are you watching your spouse struggle. This is a great podcast that gives fantastic insight and tools to help navigate this increasingly difficult issue in our day. Click here to listen.
The Briefing, Albert Mohler
Friday, June 16, 2023
Great discussion on “How should we think about working for a company that hosts and promotes LGBTQ events? And “What will our bodies be like after the second coming of Christ?” Click here to listen.
Family Life Today Comfort in Grief: What Helped, What Didn’t
A great Podcast that helps in some very real and practical ways for those walking through grief or those walking with those in seasons of grief. Click here to listen.
Books & Articles
Click the book or article title for more information.
- When God Goes Silent by Collin Hansen
- In A Scrolling World, Are We Numb to the Resurrection’s Shock? by Brett McCracken
- Bearing God’s Name by Carmen Joy Imes
- How the Gospel Answers Shame in College Students by Connie Leung Nelson
- God’s Aesthetic Delight by Ryan Currie
- How To Get on the Same Financial Page As Your Spouse by Dave Ramsey
- Does Your Christmas Celebration Include Soap and Fire? by Elliot Clark
- How To Prepare for Sunday Worship by H.P. McCracken
- Why Isn’t Marriage the Way I Thought It Would Be? by Glenn Lutjens
- Grandparents as Role Models by Jerry and Judy Schreur
- Reconnect Through Meaningful Conversation by Greg Smalley
- 3 Ways to Disciple Your Kids in an Election Year by Cory Barnes
- Why Did Elisha Allow Naaman to Bow to an Idol? by Susan Tyner
- A Biblical Worldview Has a Radical Effect on a Person’s Life by The Barna Group
- Review of Sarah Rice’s ‘Gospel-Shaped Womanhood’ by Erin Shaw
- Are You Ready to Get Married? by Greg Smalley
- Plunder the Egyptians: Read Pagan Classics by Louis Markos
- When You Can’t Forgive Yourself After an Abortion by Kendra Dahl
- Good News of Scary Jesus by Jackson Gravitt
- 5 Tensions in Missions Your Church Should Navigate by Elliot Clark
- It Takes a Church to Disciple Kids by Terrence Shay
- The Uselessness of Prayer by Trevin Wax
- ‘Inside Out 2’ and The Need for Outside-In Wisdom by Brett McCraken
- Revisionist Gay Theology: Did God Really Say…? by The Focus on The Family Issue Analysts
- Does Your Church Have a Narthex Mentality? by Candace Echols
- ‘Her,’ ChatGPT, and Fiction’s Reality-Making Power by Brett McCracken
- The Medieval Mind of C. S. Lewis by Jason M Baxter
C. S. Lewis had one of the great minds of the twentieth century. Many readers know Lewis as an author of fiction and fantasy literature, including the Chronicles of Narnia and the Space Trilogy. Others know him for his books in apologetics, including Mere Christianity and The Problem of Pain. But few know him for his scholarly work as a professor of medieval and Renaissance literature. What shaped the mind of this great thinker? Jason Baxter argues that Lewis was deeply formed not only by the words of Scripture and his love of ancient mythology, but also by medieval literature. For this undeniably modern Christian, authors like Dante and Boethius provided a worldview that was relevant to the challenges of the contemporary world. Here, readers will encounter an unknown figure to guide them in their own journey: C. S. Lewis the medievalist. Hear Jason Baxter on The Literary Life Podcast talking about how Lewis having a medievalist imaginative backdrop helped create stories that help us see through the veil and point us further up and further in! Baxter talks about his book and the process of writing this book. - Do You Know What the Kansas Triple Play Was and How It Made Us An Abortion State? by Steve Brunk and Robert Noland
- A Place of Healing by Joni Erickson Tada
In this eloquent account of her current struggle with physical pain, Joni Erickson Tada offers her perspective on divine healing, God’s purposes, and what it means to live with joy. Over four decades ago, a diving accident left Joni a quadriplegic. Today, she faces a new battle: unrelenting pain. The ongoing urgency of this season in her life has caused Joni to return to foundational questions about suffering and God’s will. A Place of Healing is not an ivory-tower treatise on suffering. It’s an intimate look into the life of a mature woman of God. Whether readers are enduring physical pain, financial loss, or relational grief, Joni invites them to process their suffering with her. Together, they will navigate the distance between God’s magnificent yes and heartbreaking no—and find new hope for thriving in-between.
- EVERY MOMENT HOLY Book Series by Douglas McKelvey
The EVERY MOMENT HOLY series of books by Douglas McKelvey and published by Rabbit Room Press brings new prayers and liturgies for the ordinary events of daily life. These prayers are ways of reminding us that our lives are shot through with sacred purpose even when, especially when, we are too busy or too caught up in our busyness to notice.“Every Moment Holy helps me to seek God’s blessing in everything from starting a new book, to setting up a Christmas tree, to marking a birthday. These prayers also help when words are hard to find—in a night of suffering, or after a house fire, or a friend’s death. It’s filled with biblical wisdom and beautiful writing.”— RUSSELL MOORE, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF AT CHRISTIANITY TODAY - Did You Know that Kansas is Now An Abortion Destination State? by Steve Brunk and Robert Noland
- The Toxic War on Masculinity by Nancy Pearcey
This is a fantastic look at the different visions of what a man is supposed to be. There is of course the culture which is sending confusion at best and at worst trying to erode any sense of manhood at all. But there is the true-life giving beauty of striving to be a man in line with God’s word. Pearcey looks at this as well as how and why our culture has shifted over the years. - Holiness by J.C. Ryle
This is a great reminder of not only God’s character but also our calling to be set apart (holy), consecrated people. In an evangelical world that has little concern for practical lives lived for God this is a fantastic resource for any wanting to walk a faithful life. - Streams in the Desert: 366 Daily Devotional Readings by Zondervan
Are you going through a difficult time? Do you simply want to prepare your heart for a difficult season knowing that trial and tribulation may come? Streams in the Desert is a great devotional to help keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and on the Father’s character even during the hardest of circumstances.
- Israel’s 9/11: The Need for Moral Clarity by Bernard N. Howard & Ivan Mesa
This is an interesting article that helps us consider the idea of moral clarity and how we should think about praying for the situation in Israel. - The Relational Soul: Moving from False Self to Deep Connection by Richard Plass and James Cofield
- As we look at conflict in October through James one of the key for each of us is understanding why we react in certain ways to the relationships that we find ourselves. The Relational Soul is a very helpful and Biblical resource to help guide you through allowing Christ’s redemptive work to reinterpret the things that have formed us.
- The Toxic War on Masculinity: How Christianity Reconciles the Sexes by Nancy R. Pearcey
We live in a world that is completely confused regarding the role of men what should they be how should they act. There is a crisis especially for young men to know what they are supposed to be. Nancy Pearcy has written a much needed book to help guide the church to understand true Biblical masculinity. This is a MUST read if you have young boys. - Answering Parents’ Question on Gender Confusion in Children by Glenn T. Stanton
- The Tech-Wise Family: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in Its Proper Place by Andy and Amy Crouch
- Redeeming Technology by A. Trevor Sutton and Brian Smith
A great resource for those looking to gain some guidance in how to view technology through a Biblical lens. Full of thought provoking ideas and thoughts helping to explore ways to make changes to how we use and engage.
- 4 Ideas of Prayer and Fasting by Navigators Discipleship Tool
This is a great resource from Navigators for those looking for ways to step into the wonderful practice of prayer and fasting. Helpful for individuals, families, or even groups interested in growing in these areas.
- On Getting Out of Bed by Alan Noble
Book Review: This is a great review that starts a conversation often avoided in the Church regarding mental suffering and affliction. Giving practical help and encouragement without heaping on shame and guilt this is a resource that many should have quickly available. Click here to read the review. - The Hole in Our Holiness by Kevin DeYoung
The Hole in Our Holiness by Kevin DeYoung “Is obedience what your church is known for? Is it what other Christians think of when they look at your life?” As we leave Revelation in the hope of what is to come we enter the book of James calling us to be doers not hearers. This is a great book to deepen many discussions we will have in James.
- The Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers and Devotions
- We Will Not be Silenced: Responding Courageously to Our Culture’s Assault on Christianity by Erwin Lutzer
- Bearing Gods Name by Carmen Joy Imes
- Born Again This Way by Rachel Gilson
- “J-Curve” by Paul Miller
- “Counterfeit Kingdom: The Danger of New Revelation, New Prophets, and New Age Practices in the Church” by Holly Pivec & R. Douglas Geivett
- “Blessed: Experiencing the Promise of the Book of Revelation” by Nancy Guthrie
Revelation Series Resources
Click the button(s) below to download the resource.
Faithfully Different: Regaining Biblical
Clarity in a Secular Culture
Session 1
Speaking Truth in the Crosshairs of
Virtue Signaling and Cancel Culture
Session 2
Natasha Crain
Going Deeper Class Videos
Gospel Life: Application
Discern. Stand. Walk. | LGBTQ+ | 07.28.21
Discern. Stand. Walk. | “Truth” | 04.15.21
Gospel Life Forum: Technology
“Finding Our Way in the Fog of Technology”
Session 1
Session 2
“Discern. Stand. Walk.”
Sermon Series Resources
We have compiled a list of resources (websites, video, books, etc.) for the “Discern. Stand. Walk.” sermon series. Click below to see the list and check back often for more resources.
Prayer Resources
- Secret Church 2019: Prayer, Fasting, and the Pursuit of God
- Praying the Bible – 5 day journey to learn a simple, practical, and biblical approach to pray the Bible with Don Whitney, professor of Biblical Spirituality at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
- Tim Keller, Prayer in the Psalms
- Francis Chan, Humility in Prayer
- PrayerMate App is an award-winning Christian prayer app that seeks to help you actually pray for all the people and causes you care about.

As a church leadership team, we’re always looking for ways to help you develop and strengthen your faith. We believe that RightNow Media will be a tool to serve you as you live out your faith at home, at work, and in your neighborhood.