Mission 9.37 is a ministry grant for families who have obediently answered the call, that Christ has placed on their heart, to care for vulnerable children. Our prayer is to come alongside families who have been considering foster care or adoption as their mission field and bless them with financial assistance. This ministry was started from one family wanting to bless another. Consider your role to live missionally through foster care or adoption!
“Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me.”
Mark 9:37
Foster care, domestic adoption or international adoption.
Yes, we ask that all applicants are active members of CCC.
That’s okay! We have a team ready to walk with you during this process. Email Alex Rood at roodj@ccc.org.
We support domestic and international adoptions from birth on for Christian families who are approved by our directors.
We believe that having a mom and dad is God’s beautiful design, but we also trust the call of singleness. In fact, our first grant was awarded to a young single lady who served as a missionary in Guatemala before serving in the mission field of foster care.
We will strive to let you know as soon as possible. You can expect to hear from us with an answer or clarifying questions within 30 days of submission but most of the time much sooner.
No, before applying you must be working with a licensed, child-placing agency (in some cases, this is different than your homestudy provider), and you must have a completed and/or updated homestudy.
Yes, please email all questions and concerns to Alex Rood at roodj@ccc.org.
Absolutely! God created each of these precious little souls in His own image.
We fund grants for the final stage of the process. So, if you are adopting internationally, we would fund when you receive your ‘Travel Authorization.’ If domestically, it will when you have been matched and all paperwork is approved. If foster care, prior to child placement.
Grant amounts are at the discretion of the leadership team, but typically range as listed:
- Foster Care – $1,000 – $3,000
- Domestic Adoption – $5,000 – $9,000
- International Adoption – $10,000 – $17,000
We fund only to qualified 501c3 (non-profit) organizations on your behalf. Checks will be mailed directly to your agency on your behalf. For international adoptions the agency may request the funds when you have received your Travel Authorization for the final trip (to obtain placement). For domestic adoptions, your agency may request the funds at the time of placement of the child. It may take up to 10 business days to process the check once the request has been made by the agency.
We are accepting one application per family per year. *Please note: If you are adopting/fostering two or more children at the same time, one application will suffice.
We are not able to assist with adoptions that are not processed through a licensed, child-placing agency, so we do not award grants to families who are adopting independently. (A home study provider alone does not meet the requirement of a licensed, child-placing agency.)
Once a decision has been made, you cannot be reconsidered for the same adoption, even in light of new information or circumstances.