Are You Wanting to be “In Step” with God?
Our goal is to help you develop a richer, deeper, more tangible and “real” experience with God. Check out the offerings below to learn how to put the Great Commission into practice with your daily life.

Rescued | Men’s Gathering
Saturday, April 12 • 7:00 am – 12:00 pm • C3 Building
The Bible is full of Rescue Stories: the nation of Israel rescued from slavery and rescued when being pursued by the Egyptian army, Daniel rescued when in the lion’s den, Jonah rescued from the stomach of a fish, the man in Decapolis rescued from unclean spirits, and Paul and Silas rescued from a prison cell in Philippi. But the greatest rescue story ever told was when Jesus Christ left the glory and majesty of heaven to come to earth to rescue you and me from our brokenness and sin. Our theme verse is Colossians 1:13-14 which says, “For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” Every one of us has a story of God’s lifesaving, transformational work in our lives. Please join us for a morning of worship, fellowship, and hearing God’s word.
Men from other churches and High School boys are welcome! There is no cost for this event. We hope you carve out time to join this gathering! Walk-ins will be welcome, but we encourage you to register! Breakfast will be provided.
Men’s Group
If you are interested in connecting with a small group of men to study the Scriptures, focus on pursuing Christ, and investing relationally with other men, please click here for a brief description and to fill out the survey.
Men’s Prayer Group
Meets every Monday morning at 6:30 am in the prayer room (use door #2 on the south end of the building)
A weekly gathering of men coming together to pray. We are hosting a weekly morning prayer time for ALL men 18 years of age and older. There is no better way to start your week than gathering with other brothers to pray!
Men’s Prayer Challenge
Meets every 2nd Saturday of the month at 8:00 am in the Summit (use door #13)
Join this monthly gathering of men as we come together to seek the Lord through prayer and encourage one another in our walks with Jesus.