House Churches are small groups of believers that meet regularly to focus on obeying God’s Word, making disciples, and building relationships. Unlike the Sunday Corporate Worship services and Gospel Life classes, House Churches are designed to involve all attendees in sharing the Word of God. “Everyone gets to play”, meaning that everyone is encouraged to grow in Christ by deepening life-on-life community, more emphasis on walking rather than studying, focusing on prayer, and exercising their gifts in serving both the body of Christ and nonbelievers in their networks. This is what we consider the “House Church DNA”.
These groups typically meet in homes on a weekly or biweekly basis. The day of the week and time that they meet are determined by the group. House Churches may have unique characteristics or focus (i.e., men, women, empty nesters, singles, young marrieds) but all will have the House Church DNA.
House Church & Disciple Making | Training
Starts Wednesday, October 30 • 6:30–8:00pm • Crown Room
This training will first introduce you to House Church gatherings at Central Christian Church and the “DNA” (core components) desired for our House Churches. House Churches are one of the ways we seek to make disciples, so multiplicative disciple-making principles from the Bible will also be shared.
These principles stress obeying Jesus’ commands, being a “doer of the Word, and not a hearer only.” You will be trained how to obey rather than just lectured on what to obey.
The training is 6-weeks in length. Each week’s training will last about 90 minutes and will include Bible study and interactive class/small group discussions. Please bring your Bible to class! The trainings will be recorded on Zoom so those who must miss a class can watch and keep up.
Concepts Addressed in the Training:
- The vision for House Churches
- The necessity of prayer and abiding in Christ in making disciples
- How to easily spend an hour in prayer
- Extraordinary prayer and how you can do it
- The importance of Scripture, hearing God through it, and obeying Him
- How the normal Bible study can become a “Discovery” Bible Study
- God’s vision for the world, catching that vision yourself, and sharing it
- God’s role vs. my role in making disciples
- How to have pleasant spiritual conversations with nonbelievers
- Why we shouldn’t feel pressure when sharing the gospel
- The Shema lifestyle, access ministries, and being invited to share the gospel
New as well as seasoned believers are welcome. Youth are welcome to attend with parents. This is a free event. Registrations will be accepted through 2:30pm on Wednesday, October 30.
Have Questions? Contact Lewis Erickson | House Church Director | ericksonl@ccc.org | 316-688-4400 x1109

Feel free to reach out to any House Church to plan a visit, but if you would like to be placed in a House Church you can also click the “Sign Me Up” button and we will do our best to connect you to a House Church.
Steve Clark
Northeast Wichita
Middle Ages Adults: Meets Thursday Nights
7:00-8:30pm, no childcare
Contact: (316) 200-4309
Andrew & Tori Dahilig
Northeast Wichita
Intergenerational/Married but open to anyone: Meets every other Tuesday
Email: andrewcdah@gmail.com
Ben Gartner / Roger Miller
Northeast Wichita
Men’s House Church: Meets Tuesdays, 6:30-9:00pm
Affinity based – Workout and study
Email: bgartner7@gmail.com
Huy & Shelley Merritt
Northeast Wichita
Internationals House Church: Meets 1st & 3rd Saturday • 5:30–7:30pm
Email: merritth@ccc.org
Margaret Meyer
Northeast Wichita
Mainly Women, but all are invited: Meets Mondays, 12:30–2:30pm
Email: kansaskids@cox.net
Kristin Miller & Julie Dohm
Northeast Wichita
Women: Meets Tuesdays, 6:30–9:00pm
Affinity based – workout and study
Email: kmdeckert@aim.com
Bruce & Beth Peters
Northeast Wichita
Mainly Empty Nesters: Wednesday Evenings
Email: sunflower141@sbcglobal.net
Jerry Ploeckelman
Northeast Wichita
Empty Nesters: Sunday Nights
Zoom options also available to empty nester shut-ins.
Email: jerry_mindy@hotmail.com
Woody & Rebeccca Terronez
Northeast Wichita
Intergenerational: Monday Nights, 6:30pm
Email: rbterronez@gmail.com
Grant & Krysta Schmidt
Married with Kids: Meets every other Thursday
6:30–8:00pm, Children are welcome
Contact: krystac2005@live.com or (316) 390-6941
Margene Weihe
Northeast Wichita
Midlife Singles: Meets every other Tuesday
Email: margeneweihe_ict@yahoo.com
Jim & Susie Wernli
Intergenerational: Sunday Evenings
No Childcare
Email: jbwernli@hotmail.com or (316) 650-0158
Tucker & Emily Davis / Jordan & Whitney Kerr
Southeast Wichita
Young Marrieds: Meets Every Other Tuesday
Email: tuckeradavis@gmail.com
Emily Decker
Southeast Wichita
Single Parents: Meets 2nd & 4th Wednesdays
6:30–8:00pm • kids welcome • dinner provided
Email: emilypaigedecker@gmail.com
Bruce and Kit Donavan
Southeast Wichita
Intergenerational: Meets Every Monday
6:30–8:30 pm, no childcare
Email: ksdonavan@yahoo.com
There are currently no House Churches for this area. If you would like to lead a house church, please email us at housechurch@ccc.org.
Are you interested in leading a House Church? If so, email housechurch@ccc.org.
Is this basically small group?
Yes and no. These will operate as places where Christians will gather in smaller groups to “gather” and “go” in obedience to Christ’s call upon our lives, but we are moving away from using “small group” or “community group” language for a few reasons. First, small groups in many church cultures have tended to act like bible studies where our knowledge of God’s Word is deepened, but often lack in relational depth and missional focus. It’s a great thing for Christians to grow in their knowledge of God’s Word, but what has been missing from much of Western Christendom is a willingness and zeal to reach the lost for Christ in costly and faithful ways. Our goal is to marry the study of God’s Word with deep relationship building as well as reaching the lost as a community sent in the power of the Holy Spirit. As long as those three elements are present, it is a house church: where people love one another, grow in the Word together and take the light of the gospel into the darkness for the sake of Christ’s glory among the nations.
How does House Church work?
Our house churches operate on a rhythm of gathering and going. (We have a bookmark gather guide we’d love to give you). We recommend (but don’t enforce) an every-other-week meeting schedule to allow every other week to be dedicated to praying and going to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). On our gather nights, we do real relationship, applying the unfettered gospel to the visceral realities of our daily lives, supporting one another in our joys and sorrows and holding one another accountable to follow the leading of the Spirit. On our “Go” weeks, our desire is to faithfully and sensitively keep in step with the Spirit, bearing witness to the love of God in the lives of those He’s called us to serve and love.
More specifically, what does it look like for us to ``Go``?
While the “gather” weeks tend to culturally make more sense to us, the commission to “go” might be a bit hazy. We recommend but by no means will enforce a gather/go rhythm in our House Churches, meaning we meet every other week, and on the off weeks we dedicate ourselves to “going” to share the gospel. In the most basic sense, evangelism and discipleship can be understood as meeting people in their place of need, not only meeting felt needs, but also sharing the hope of Christ. This being the case there’s an endless number of ways people might “Go.” Step one in this process is filling out names on your Oikos list, on the backside of your House Church bookmark, which you will receive when you gather together. Then, on your go weeks, we encourage you to prayerfully consider one or some of those names on that list. Be creative about how you could meet them in a place of need, or connect with them for the sake of sharing the hope of Christ. There are NO rules here. Let the Spirit lead this process. Some groups may want to go on mission together on a “go” week, to clean gutters or meet specific needs of a neighborhood, and that’s great. Some individuals in a House Church may want to get together to spend long periods of time praying over the lost people on their Oikos list, and that’s wonderful. Others may want to invite an unbelieving friend out for coffee, or help a neighbor change their oil…again, let the Spirit lead this process. When the House Church gets back together, it’s fun to catch each other up on how “going” went. It builds up God’s people so mightily when we see how the Spirit in such powerful ways uses our efforts to reveal God’s love to the lost. Everybody has a specific way of relating to others, and every Christian has been called to love others as they have been loved by God. Let’s fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20), prayerfully seeking the Spirit’s guidance, as we respond to God’s love for us by loving others well. This can be a scary process, but it’s very powerful to have accountability from your House Church in this process. This is perhaps why Jesus sent His disciples out in pairs of two in Luke 10.
What's an Oikos list?
The term oikos means “house” in Greek. The oikos list is located on the back side of the House Church bookmark. There are five lines to write the names of 5 people you will commit to praying for and reaching out to with the love of God. We encourage you to prayerfully consider the places you live, work, learn and play. Who are the people the Spirit is calling you to faithfully and consistently share Christ with? You might be called to strengthen your marriage, to intentionally disciple your children, to repair a broken relationship, to grow in relational depth with your neighbors or to boldly share Christ with a friend who ascribes to a different faith. The fact is, while we often have the best of intentions about praying for and sharing Christ with certain individuals, it can be easy to have poor follow-through, failing to love those who are far from the kingdom in simple, humble, costly, beautiful ways. And the sad reality is the church has left them behind. 96% of church growth is transfer or birth growth. The lost are remaining unreached, may it be so no longer! Spirit, lead us to proclaim the forgiveness of sins in Jesus’ name to many lost sons and daughters, that they might come home to salvation in Jesus Christ!
How can I participate in a House Church?
Go to housechurch.ccc.org to find a House Church near you, or to submit a request to be placed in a House Church, or to ascertain the resources and direction to start your own. Any questions can be directed by email to housechurch@ccc.org
What steps do I need to take to become a leader?
We feel strongly called to take a high investment, low control approach to our House Churches, meaning we want to deeply pour into those leading our house churches, while not limiting the movement of the Spirit in any way. We want to invest into each leader’s life while granting each House Church to live out the particular vision the Spirit is calling them to without burdensome restrictions. Each House Church will look different, which will be contingent upon the leading and conviction of the House Church shepherd. Some will be for certain lifestages, some will be affinity-based, some will be for men or women only, some will be for anybody and everybody, and some will be for those in seasons of recovery. This being the case, each group will have particular strengths, and will relationally connect in nuanced ways and will also have particular missional doors open that others might not have. For example, a group of millennials will probably operate, relate and do mission slightly differently than a group of empty nesters, and that’s a beautiful thing. The Holy Spirit uses them both for advancing the Kingdom in powerful ways. If you are feeling led to lead a House Church, we require that you regularly attend Central Christian Church, submit to its leadership, consent to regular background checks, and participate in ongoing training/coaching for House Church leaders. Email housechurch@ccc.org to share your interest in leading a House Church.
Do any of these groups meet on campus?
Yes. Some of the groups meet on campus in order to take advantage of childcare opportunities for those who don’t have room in their homes to accommodate space for multiple children, or children with particular needs. While we are convinced that the warmth of a home is often more of a suitable place to invite lost sons and daughters to begin a relationship with Jesus, we are beyond grateful for our church campus and joyfully want to steward it for the flourishing of all God’s children here at Central.