The Foster and Adoption Ministry (FAM) at CCC seeks to be a group of disciples that embodies the heart of Christ through obedience to the call and command He has given us, in his word, through stepping into foster care and adoption. (Mark 9:37, James 1:27).
- By calling the Church to step into brokenness as Christ has stepped into ours.
- By serving vulnerable children and their families.
- By sharing the goodness of Jesus with children, families, and the world.
As a ministry, we seek to engage, equip, and encourage our congregation to be obedient disciples in all stages of kinship, fostering, adopting, and to support one another along the way.
FAM Fellowship
This ministry is for establishing a welcoming, encouraging and supportive circle for foster and adoptive families. They can discuss issues, find community and connect to resources for their unique needs. FAM Fellowship will continue as an ongoing community to meet the needs of foster/adoptive families and as an invitation for the larger church community to come alongside in support.
FAM Fellowship meets every 4th Sunday of the month (Jan-Oct) from 5:00–7:00pm in the Multipurpose Room.
This is FREE to attend. However, if you have children aged 6 weeks thru 12th Grade attending with you, we need their registration for the planned children’s programming portion of our night. Please use the “Register” button to sign up each child or student individually. You will only need to register each child or student one time for the school year (June – May).
FAM Fellowship Volunteer Opportunity
If you are passionate about building relationships with children and serving the foster adoptive families in our local community, please join our Foster and Adoption Ministry serve team.
We invite you to step into this role to help us provide a safe and loving environment for children & youth that are birth-12th grade, so families can use this time to receive training and support from one another.

Mission 9.37
Mission 9.37 is a ministry grant for families who have obediently answered the call, that Christ has placed on their heart, to care for vulnerable children.

The FAM Fund
The FAM Fund is a ministry grant for families who have obediently answered the call that Christ has placed on their heart to care for vulnerable children. This grant is designed to help foster and adoptive families at CCC during their journey by filling tangible, monetary needs as they arise.
Choices Medical Clinic
Choices Medical Clinic began in 1999 as an organization with the sole purpose of helping to meet the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of individuals facing an unplanned pregnancy. Find out more, volunteer, donate at www.choicesmedicalclinic.org.
Embrace is working to address the physical, emotional, and spiritual brokenness of the many people in Wichita. The programs and resources at Embrace are provided to address each of these areas with a holistic approach with the goal of real life and real possibilities for their clients. Find out more, volunteer, donate at www.embracewichita.org.
Kansans for Life
Kansans for Life is a nonprofit advocacy and educational organization dedicated to protecting and defending the right to life of all innocent humans from the moment of conception to natural death. They strive to protect the preborn and their mothers, the medically fragile and the elderly. Find out more, volunteer, donate at www.kfl.org.
Safe Families for Children
Safe Families for Children (SFFC) hosts vulnerable children and creates extended family-like supports for families facing a crisis through a community of compassionate volunteers to keep children safe and families together. Find out more, volunteer, donate at www.wichita.safe-families.org.
Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Sedgwick County
CASA volunteers are appointed by judges to advocate for the children’s best interests. Volunteers stay with each case until it is closed, and the child is in a safe, permanent home. CASA serves children from birth through the age defined by state statute as the limit to youth remaining in care. Learn more at www.casaofsedgwickcounty.org.
Adoption Agencies in the Wichita Area
Adopt Kansas Kids
Kansas (Children in DCF Custody)
1 (855) 236-7857 www.adoptkskids.org/for-families
All God’s Children
Domestic, Bulgaria, Burundi, China, Colombia, Ecuador, Philippines, South Africa
(503) 282-7652 www.allgodschildren.org
Holt International
Domestic, Bulgaria, China, Colombia, Haiti, Hong Kong, Korea, Philippines, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam
(816) 822-2169 www.holtinternational.org
Foster Care Agencies in the Wichita Area
1 (855) 686-7474
KVC Health Systems
TFI Family Services Inc
1 (833) 7-FOSTER
St. Francis Community and Family Services Inc
1 (866) 999-1599
Meet the Team