Passover Seder

Friday, April 11  •  6:00pm  •  Central Court

This is a Messianic Passover where Jesus is the center. We follow the traditional Passover telling and show how the Biblical Feast points towards Jesus. Be prepared for an evening of glorifying God and understanding how He is in the details of our Salvation in Jesus! Click here to reserve your spot.

There are also several volunteer opportunities. If you are willing to be a Table Host, help with set up before the event, clean up after the event, or be a buffet helper, click here to sign up!

Palm Sunday

Sunday, April 13  •  9:30am  •  Worship Center

Rejoice through our Worship service featuring a song from our Children’s ministry with celebratory palm branches.

Stations of the Cross

Friday, April 18  •  4:00–6:00pm  •  Worship Center

Tour 10 stations, each depicting a moment on Jesus’ journey to Calvary, in a time of reflection and prayer.

Please enter through door #2.

Good Friday

Friday, April 18  •  6:30pm  •  Worship Center

The sun refused to shine, and the earth shook beneath the weight of our sin. Join us as we behold the Sovereign Darkness and the love that split the veil. This is a family service – no childcare will be provided. 

Resurrection Sunday

Sunday, April 20 • 9:30am • Worship Center

Join us for a Sunday Worship Service and celebrate the wonder God has done in Jesus who has defeated sin.

We will celebrate Easter as a church family – K-5th grades and Special Needs ministries will be in the Worship Center with their families. A fun activity book will be available for your children as they enter the Worship Center. The Nursery will be available. Gospel Life Classes and Encouragers Class will not meet after the service.