“Gifts of Belief”
Christmas Program
Sunday, December 15
Doors open at 5:45pm
Join us for an inspiring time of worship as we celebrate through songs and stories the incredible truth of how Jesus Christ, God in human form, entered the world to bring hope, redemption, and salvation to all.
Click here for more information.
Christmas Eve
Tuesday, December 24
5:00pm | Children’s Choir
11:00pm | Candlelight Service
No Children’s Programming for either service.
Livestream the 5:00pm service at live.ccc.org.
Christmas Program – “Gifts of Belief” – December 15th 2024
“Gifts of Belief” Sermon Series
Belief shapes every part of our lives. We trust a doctor to bring peace when we’re sick, and we find joy in the love of a parent because we believe in their goodness. Yet, how often do we stop to examine the promises we lean on? How often do we ask if they can truly deliver what we’re hoping for? The beauty of Christmas is that belief in Jesus offers something deeper—something lasting. While the world’s promises often fall short, Jesus delivers true peace, joy, and hope. He chose to become poor, born into this world, to hang on a cross and rise from the dead, so that we could experience the fullness of these gifts in Him.