“My Eyes Have Seen” Christmas Program
Sunday, December 10
If you missed our Christmas program, click here to watch it online.
Christmas Eve Services
Sunday, December 24
9:30 am • No Children’s Programming
11:00 pm • Candlelight Service
Livestream the 9:30 am service at live.ccc.org.

“My Eyes Have Seen” Sermon Series
Christmas is a season of lights, a season of spectacle, when we marvel at the colors and beauty on trees, homes, mantles and so much more. Each light illuminates something, but at Christmas we are brought face to face with the question of Jesus, “what do my eyes see?” A man, a teacher, a myth, a legend, a son, a brother, a God? People have been thinking about this question for thousands of years and yet the answer is right in front of us, given to us in the Word of God, as he helps us to see the truth of what “My eyes have seen.” Join us this Christmas season as we look at Simeon, the people of Rome, Mary, Joseph, the wise men, and the Father himself.